Limited Partnership Funds (LPF)


Our delicated family office and Trust team utilised the resources, relationships and insights of Eastin to help all sizes of family offices and trust achieve clients differenct objectives across a full range of private and public markets.




To reinforce the position of Hong Kong as a premier global asset and wealth management center, HKSAR government has introduced and enabled private funds to be registered in the form of limited partnerships since August 2020, to attract private investment funds (including private equity and venture capital funds) to set up and register in Hong Kong.


And LPF is in the form of limited partnership structure which can be used for the purpose of managing investments for its investors. The fund being qualified for registration must be constituted by one general partner(GP) who has unlimited liability in respect of the liabilities of the fund, and at least one limited partner(LP) which limited liability. A fund set up in the form of a limited partnership registered under the Limited Partnerships Ordinance (Cap.37) may be registered as an LPF if it meets the eligibility requirements under the Ordinance.


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