Family Offices and Trusts


Our delicated family office and Trust team utilised the resources, relationships and insights of Eastin to help all sizes of family offices and trust achieve clients differenct objectives across a full range of private and public markets.




Asian economy and markets have been developing significantly in past 30 years, there is continuous growth of wealthy population in the region. Since 2015, there has been more wealth held by high net worth (HNW) individuals in Asia Pacific than in the US. Growth in global wealth has resulted in the creation of family offices and trusts in the area.


Wealth creators and inheritors face numerous decisions when stewarding assets for future generations and serving the present day needs of extended family members. Increasingly, family leaders are setting up family offices to manage their wealth and assets nowadays.


Various family office models are being adopted by our clients today, mainly single-family office and multi-family offices, which is our focus here. Our Multi-family offices team serve several unrelated families from Asia and global, providing tax and estate planning, investment management, along with long-term fiduciary oversight.


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